
sunnuntai 1. lokakuuta 2023

Dead to the World

Alive for the Journey.

3 kommenttia:

  1. Dead to the world, the Lord is come
    Let earth receive her King
    Let every heart prepare Him room
    And Hell and all orcs sing
    And Hell and all trolls sing
    And Hell and Lord Satan and horror sing

    Dead to the world, the Satan reigns
    Let all their songs employ
    While bloods and floods
    Rocks, hills and plains
    Repeat the sounding woe
    Repeat the sounding cry
    Repeat, repeat the sounding howl
    Here we go

    Tuossa vielä sävel

    jos jotakuta vielä laulattaisi.

  2. No lokakuun sanathan tuossa juuri onkin.
    Muilla sanoilla sitten myöhemmin.
